Michael Coad has worked in the entertainment industry since 1974. He is the son of one of Australia's past, most prominent singers and himself studied music at Guildhall in London.
From 1974 to 1986 Mr. Coad held various administrative and marketing positions with the Adelaide Festival of Arts and the Adelaide Festival Theatre, then was General Manager of a national company, The Australian Dance Theatre. In 1986 he was appointed the first General Manager of the Hong Kong Ballet.
Since late 1988 he has worked with Michael Edgley, responsible for all aspects of expanding Mr. Edgley's business in East Asia, from South Korea to Indonesia. In the capacity of Chief Executive, he has identified new markets and produced, presented and toured a wide variety of attractions throughout the region.
His range of skills and experiences in all facets of producing both major events and numerous classical performances have earned him a distinctive reputation throughout East Asia and Australia.
Edgley International Pty LtdACN 007 429 192
2 Chapel Street,Richmond, Victoria 2121
Telephone: +61 (03) 9428 7711
Facsimile: +61 (03) 9428 7712
mac@edgley.com.auMicheal Edgley Edna Edgley Micheal Coad Phillip Corr Andrew Guild